In this post, you can ref useful information about scrum project management tool such as project management skills, project management tools, project management templates … If you need more assistant for scrum project management tool, please leave your comment at the end of this post.
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I. Contents of scrum project management tool
The classic tools Scrum teams use when organizing their work are, of course, whiteboards, charts, and note cards. But Scrum project management software can empower you to do so much more – not to mention that it’s a crime for a software development team to ignore handy and effective software!
Agile project management tools are numerous, but if you don’t want to extend your project budget, here is a selection of free Scrum tools that will let you manage Agile software development more effectively without spending any extra.
1. Scrumblr
This absolutely simple web-based tool is basically a web simulation of an Agile sprint board, where your team can collaborate in real time. It can turn in handy when you don’t have a physical board at hand or work with a distributed Agile team.
2. Scrumpy
Scrumpy is 100% Java Scrum project management software, designed to assist you as a Product Owner with Backlog management: it provides a long-term view of User Stories and helps you answer questions like what is expected to be done by a certain date or when a feature is expected to be implemented. Scrumpy’s set of features complements your Scrum practices and doesn’t interfere with the face-to-face communication.
3. Agilefant
Easy to use and functional Scrum project management software, Agilefant is a web-based tool that simplifies managing projects and related activities. Its model adapts to your team structure and scales from personal To Do lists to long-term product planning and portfolio management.
4. iceScrum
iceScrum is a web tool that will be very handy for distributed Agile teams. It offers Dashboard and Timeline views, Product Backlog, Release Plan and Sprint Plan, as well as Actors and Team functionality. Plus, with virtual sticky notes, iceScrum facilitates visual management.
5. ScrumTime
ScrumTime is an open source web application that is designed to provide you with an Application Lifecycle Management system. The tool will help you handle team management, client billing, client interaction, and Agile project management.
6. ScrumDo
This tool has an open source version that lets you manage your project using the web. Its features include predictions functionality, Excel import and export, as well as automatic burn up charts.
7. Tackle
Tackle is an online Scrum tracking tool that helps you manage teams of any size through their cycle of Scrum sprints. It allows you to manage multiple teams in one site and offers multiple product backlogs for each of your Scrum teams, as well as multiple prioritization methods for these product backlogs.
The philosophy behind Agile software development is making the process of creating software more flexible and effective. That is exactly what Scrum project management software helps you to accomplish, so make sure you take advantage of the handy tools, generously offered by the Scrum community!
===============II. Project management videos
1. Top 10 Terms Project Managers Use2. Introduction to Project Management Fundamentals
3. Project Management
III. Project management ppt
1. Project management2. Project Management Concepts
3. Project Management Basics
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